Sesungguhnya aku sedang berpuasa,
Sesungguhnya aku sedang berpuasa
Sesungguhnya aku sedang berpuasa..
Aku asyik ulang-ulang ayat ni sejak semalam. Aku kan, pelik gila bila ada jugak orang yang tiba-tiba bakar sumbu yang dah lama terpadam tanpa sebab. Mungkin bulan puasa ni dah takdak kerja sangat dah. Mungkin jugak penyakit pendengki tu dah berakar umbi dalam diri, especially hati. Bila hati dah sakit gitu, susah la kak~ Dengan ketiadaan syaitan di bulan puasa ni, melakukan benda-benda macam ni akan buat orang berkata, maybe those bad thing are inside her/himself. You are the one who make yourself look bad my dear :)
Dialog Asyraf Muslim dalam cite Aku Masih Dara:
"Bila hati dah sakit, ubatnya senang je, kembali taat kepada Allah SWT.."
See, I hafal taw *muka gatal*.
Someone told me, guna akal, jangan guna emosi. Sebagai seorang yang pernah ikut emosi, bila kita berubah dan tengok orang lain pulak drowns in her/his own emotion, it really makes me smile. How beautiful this world is when you learned from the past. It is and it makes you a better person :)
I don't want to talk much about my situation, what happen or anything because I've learned that telling everything, especially why you are sad, can't change the situation much if you don't move forward and use your own 2 legs to change. Ya sharing your sadness will reduce it but just on that time. Lepas tu? Your mind will think about it over and over again, tambah-tambah bila kita cuba fake kan happiness kita. Fake thing doesn't last longer than the original. Don't fake your happiness semata-mata nak tunjukkan yang kau ok, kau hebat apa benda lagi tapi make it real.
Eh dah lari tajuk. Haha. Macam best pulak motivate macam ni :P
Back to the point, when you are happy and totally get over it, every single little thing people do just to annoy or to make you angry, it it just like they are shooting a small fire into the sea and hoping for the sea to burn. It is not going to happen, aite? Wasting time and energy je :P
So whatever happen, experiences thought me to smile at the problem and tell it, ya whatever and go F yourself. Haha kasar gila bunyi but it is the truth. The road to happiness is never happy but when you make it to the destination, hehehe.. Speechless, boleh ketawa happy je :)
In the nutshell *macam karangan MUET dulu* , you may say, humiliate or do whatever you want, asalkan kau bahagia because it is mind over matter. I don't mind and you don't matter. Kalau gaduh-gaduh pun dapat apa? Memalukan negara sendiri je kan? As a Malaysian, I respect people no matter from where they come. Congratulations sebab berjaya ke pusingan seterusnya. Don't have to say these and that to me, go and celebrate and pray for your country to make it to another level. Bangga la aku tak kesah pun, sebab kita tak 'berperang' atas padang. Lagipun kita berjiran, kan ke kena beradab dengan jiran sendiri.
Kalau kau tak reti nak beradab, takpe go on, biar aku yang beradab sorang-sorang :)
No matter kalah teruk macam mana pun, I am Malaysian and I am proud to be Malaysian. Kutuk la apa pun, aku bo layan je~~ Lagipun tadi mimpi Safee Sali~~ Lalalalala~~